Go Team Gail

27 06 2012

Can I share a story with you? This story is about a woman I have never met, her name is Gail Gabriel. I know of her because of her fiancé, Jason Cacho, who I went to college with at Hawaii Pacific College and because of our mutual friends.

On March 8, 2012 Gail was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer which spread to her brain. It was shocking news for Gail, her friends, and her family. Through her loving support of friends here in Hawaii and in the mainland they have been working together fundraising money for Gail’s treatment. As I follow Gail’s blog on her journey to fight cancer I notice everyone single picture of her. Each picture shows her with a smile. Regardless of her struggles, the obstacles she is facing, and the pain she is feeling she continues to carry a smile on her faith. 


To learn more about Gail’s story or learn how to support Team Gail please check out her website created by her friends. Her website will do more justice in sharing her story compared me writing about it in my blog. They have awesome art and apparel for sale to help pay for her medical expenses – Click on the link “GoTeamGail” to check it out.

To Gail: You are truely an inspiration to me. You are a strong individual who carries a smile that displays a sign of hope during your fight against cancer. I will continue to pray for you and share your story.

If you reading this blog I just ask you please pray for Gail. This simple act can help Gail win the battle over cancer. Thank you!